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World Ocean Day

Make a note of the promotion now, and get 20% off  BEYOND omega on 8 June!

Just three days after World Environment Day, World Ocean Day on 8 June 2022 draws attention both to the importance of our oceans and the great danger they face. Overfishing, plastic pollution and deep sea drilling are just a few of the threats facing marine life-forms. In manufacturing its products, RINGANA consistently avoids not only microplastic, but also ingredients of animal origin.

Did you know that the Omega-3 in BEYOND omega comes from algae rather than from fish oil?

The oil obtained from microalgae is an alternative and vegan source of Omega-3 fatty acids, instead of the fish oils that are traditionally used. Fatty fish contains a high concentration of essential Omega-3 oils  – mainly because microalgae containing Omega-3 are a food source for fish. BEYOND omega – vegan capsules that supply your body with Omega-3 fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins and secondary plant substances of the highest quality.

Make a note of the promotion now, and get 20% off  BEYOND omega on 8 June!


*Offer only valid while stocks last.

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