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Deep sleep for body and soul

How to start the day refreshed

Sleep – the underestimated superpower that recharges your body and soul. Are you familiar with this feeling: you wake up in the morning and feel like you spent the whole night partying? Or when your brain runs riot all night while your body screams for some peace? In our densely networked world, when we’re constantly online and always reachable, we often miss out on restorative sleep. But it’s at least as important as eating and drinking. Having difficulties with falling sleep or staying asleep, or even waking up too early is a vicious cycle: on the following day we’re plagued by inattentiveness, headaches and fatigue.

But don’t worry! Here’s the key to your very own sleep paradise. Because having a restorative sleep isn’t just a lovely way to pass your time, it’s sacred for all of our well-being.

Sweet Dreams –
That’s why sleep is so important

When you close your eyes and escape to your dream world, the body switches to stand-by mode to recover from the stressful day. But one part of our body never sleeps: the brain. It’s still awake, sorting information and evaluating what you’ve experienced over the past day. This information from our waking life is reflected in our dreams.

Sleep is an essential feat for starting the next morning FRESH and alert. While you slumber peacefully, your body uses the night to regenerate and detox. Getting enough relaxed sleep also means boosting your ability to absorb information and concentrate.

These are the four phases of sleep

1. Falling asleep: this phase describes the transition from being awake to sleeping, and involves fairly superficial sleep.

2. Light sleep: in this phase, we’re in stable sleep, but it can easily be disturbed.

3. Deep sleep: in the third phase of the cycle, we’re in deep sleep; our muscles relax and our heart rate slows down.

4. Dream sleep: last but not least – the final phase when we experience the most vibrant dreams. Even if we can dream during other sleep phases, the dreams in this phase are the most powerful.

But what are the secrets of a truly restorative night? Let’s find the answers, and give you some valuable tips and tricks to take away.


Tackling sleep problems and getting rid of them

What happens when we’re being tormented by sleeplessness? And how can we overcome these challenges? Our body needs adequate recuperation every night. If we don’t get it, it can upset our daily lives, and cause problems over the long term. If difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep are a regular occurrence, relaxation techniques or better habits before going to bed can help.

Here’s what you can do if you’re having problems sleeping

As already suggested, it’s important to go on the offensive straight away to take our sleeping habits to the next level, and to understand what our bodies are trying to tell us. Having only a light meal in the evening, and only going to bed when we’re actually tired, can help us to sleep better.

But there’s more you can do! Certain relaxation techniques – be it breathing exercises, meditation or relaxed physical activities like taking a walk or yoga – reduce stress, and have a positive effect on body and mind.

Rituals to help you fall asleep:

How to glide into the night feeling relaxed

Every one of us can really benefit from rituals to help us fall asleep as a firm routine before going to bed. So why not try out some tried-and-trust sleep rituals?

By regularly practising rituals to help us fall asleep, we are focusing our gaze on the following day. Although there is no definite time for these rituals, we know ourselves which time suits us best. What’s important: actively treating ourselves to some personal time, to enjoy peace and quiet, and to review all the things we’ve done over the course of the day.

Instead of using our mobiles, scrolling through our Instagram feed or watching TV, we should ensure that our brains are not swamped with information. Instead, we should establish habits that help us to ground ourselves, and relax. Here are a few tips that might help you:

Regular sleep-wake rhythm: try going to bed and getting up at the same times every day, so that your body gets used to a set rhythm.

Relaxation techniques: start using soothing techniques such as reading, listening to relaxing music, or taking a warm bath, to prepare your body for sleep. Breathing exercises, yoga or meditation can also help you to unwind better.

Sleep environment: ensure that your bedroom is dark, quiet and well-aired to create the best possible sleep conditions. Also pay attention to the right room temperature: it shouldn’t be too warm or too cold. This will make it easier to fall asleep.


Tips for your personal ritual:

Consciously switch off: avoid using your mobile or tablet for at least two hours before going to bed.

Enjoy relaxing baths: a bath with aromatic additives such as valerian, camomile, lavender, lemon balm or lime blossom has a relaxing effect.

Dear Diary…: journalling – simply writing down your thoughts, experiences or goals – can stop night-time brooding, and help you to unwind.

A dream comes true: interpreting dreams

Every night we are immersed in the fascinating world of dreams. But we can’t always remember these nocturnal adventures afterwards. Dream phases last for an average of 15 to 20 minutes, and get longer and longer as dawn approaches. We experience these dreams in real time, because our brain is able to sort emotions in our subconscious and use them to create new links.

By exploring dream interpretation, we open a door to deeper insights into our thoughts. Understanding our dreams can help us to know ourselves better, and to recognise our fears or desires. Another important aspect is that by interpreting our dreams, we can better tackle nocturnal unease or recurring nightmares. By decoding the meaning behind our dreams, it’s possible to find targeted ways of improving our sleep.


Pssst: our secret tip – sleep like a baby and wake refreshed to a sparkling day with RINGANAisi

Get through the night free of stress: wind down, relax, manage stress better. We all know what a pain stress can be, and how much it can interfere with the quality of our sleep. But have you already picked up our secret tip for gliding through the night without stress? Our deceleration drink, RINGANAisi, is the perfect sleep companion, to start you off on your voyage of restoration, and to prepare you for night-time calm. One bottle in the evening promotes good, refreshing sleep, helps you to wind down and relax, and cope with stress, and has a gently soothing effect.

These are the natural talents it contains:

While ashwagandha root extract helps the body to cope better with stress, the lemon balm leaf extract promotes good, restorative sleep. Winter lime leaf extract also offers maximal relaxation. Hop flower extract has a gently calming effect and helps you to switch off. The sleep-wake cycle is regulated by sour cherry extract which contains natural melatonin. L-tryptophan can only be obtained from food, as the body cannot produce it. This essential amino acid is converted in the body into the “sleep hormones”, serotonin and melatonin. And there you have the perfect night cap!


Day-time serenity with CAPS moodoo

Just like the saying “Don’t worry, be happy”, the food supplement CAPS moodoo is a natural way of bringing greater serenity and joie de vivre into your life. The ingredients in these CAPS improve mental resilience and give you greater serenity. Ideal for restoring emotional balance.


Sleep is a precious asset that we need for our physical and mental well-being. If we have sleep problems, it’s important to actively seek solutions and improve our sleep habits

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